API Software
Automation support is one feature that is under consideration for future versions of ICCSimTMat; this would be closer to the true server model where an external application could request ICCSimTMat to load up and start a specific test.
The existing TCPIP support could be extended to Visa Contactless, but would require some time scheduling for integration and testing. I will enquire when this could be fitted in, and then made available.
The three TCPIP signals are:
DOWNLOAD_END: marks that ICCSimTMat has completed download of the script onto the card
PERFORM_TXN_START: marks that ICCSimTMat is now waiting for the user to perform the transaction
PERFORM_TXN_END: marks that ICCSimTMat has uploaded the log and is processing. This indicator is used to give the terminal maximum time to prepare for the next transaction, as it can be loading the next configuration while ICCSimTMat is processing and analysing the current test.
These functions are normally used with the card in our ICCSimSC Smart Connector product, which is designed for contact terminals only. I am not sure how the functionality would work with a contactless terminal; there would need to be some mechanism to handle transport of the ICCSim card between the SDI010 card reader and the contactless terminal.
Text to include if a customer wants information on using the TCPIP service:
The TCPIP functionality in EMV suite is activated by placing TCPIPComms.txt file into C:\iccsim50\TMat EMV\ICCSimTMatBase.
This file has one line, giving the IP address and port for the TCPIP connection on your test device. Format of data line in TCPIPComms.txt:
where IP is in the format AA.BB.CC.DD, and the port is a 4 digit port number
Sequence of events
On script selection sends:
STX:<Test Name>:TEST:[<Test Case>:<Test Name>]:ETX
On completion of script download, sends:
When script downloaded, and TMat is waiting for the log to be returned, sends:
When the log has been uploaded, sends:
Note: the markers < and > are not sent; they are simply to bracket the variable item.
Communications on the TCPIP channel is only first established at startup of TMat. If comms is lost for any reason, TMat will need to be restarted.