Issuer Scripts question showing as failed but I can see them in the logs?
I have a test that is failing as it was indicated by ICC tool because the following TIP question was marked as NOK.
The terminal sends all the Issuer Scripts commands between the two GAC commands, in the order received from the simulator?
However I reviewed the ICC log file, and believe Issuer Scripts command were actually sent.
The reason for this is a few tests have questions where the auto-answer to one is dependant on a comparison to correctly auto-answer the other.
In this case the tool is trying to look at the Host log answer to question:
Issuer simulator sends a 71 Issuer Script with seven Issuer Script commands?
In order to compare and answer this question properly:
The terminal sends all the Issuer Script commands between the two GenAC commands, in the order received from the simulator?
As you have not imported a Host log the tool cannot auto-answer these questions.
You can either import the host log or manually answer this questions as Pass if you are manually observing the host log.